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Thursday, October 16, 2008 ' 7:08 AM Y

Something I wanna share with everyone.. happy reading.. =) '

The Old Man and His Shoe

One day an old man boarded a bus. As he was going up the steps, one of his shoes slipped off. The door closed and the bus moved off so he was unable to retrieve it. The old man calmly took off his other shoe and threw it out of the window.

A young man on the bus saw what happened, and could not help going up to the old man and asking, "I noticed what you did, sir. Why did you throw out your other shoe?"The old man promptly replied, "So that whoever finds them will be able to use them.

"The old man in the story understood a fundamental philosophy for life - do not hold on to something simply for the sake of possessing it or because you do not wish others to have it.We lose things all the time. The loss may seem to us grievous and unjust initially, but loss only happens so that positive changes can occur in our lives.

We should not always assume that losing something is bad, because if things do not shift, we'll never become better people or experience better things. That's not to say of course that we only lose "bad" things; it simply means that in order for us to mature emotionally and spiritually, and for us to contribute to the world, the interchangebetween loss and gain is necessary.

Like the old man in the story, we have to learn to let go. The world had decided that it was time for the old man to lose his shoe.

Maybe this happened to add momentum to a series of events leading to a better pair of shoes for the old man.

Maybe the search for another pair of shoes would lead the old man to a great benefactor.

Maybe the world decided that someone else needed the shoes more.

Whatever the reason, we can't avoid losing things. The old man understood this. One of his shoes had gone out of his reach. The remaining shoe would not have been much help to him, but it would be a cherished gift to a homeless person desperately in need of protection from the ground.

Hoarding possessions does nothing to make us or the world better. We all have to decide constantly if some things or people have run their course in our lives or would be better off with others. We then have to muster the courageto give them away.

Pain is gain ;

Wednesday, October 15, 2008 ' 1:21 AM Y

something about me again? '

You are resilient in the face of difficulties, and no doubt your resilience has already been tested. You've had some tough experiences in your life, but you are wise and mature from them. Having had to grow up ahead of your times, you tend not to heed the advice of others. You tend to be a loner sometimes and think that you cannot depend on anyone else but yourself.

Pain is gain ;

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 ' 10:53 PM Y

All about me? '

You are gregarious, unfailingly charming, and afraid of commitment. People naturally flock to you. They also do things for you that you otherwise couldn't do for yourself, whether it's driving you around or ordering the pizza. Forever spontaneous, you'll easily drop $4 on a glass of beer when you could've gotten a pitcher for $6, because you don't want to bother to do the math. Life is merely a dream - and not worth living unless you're living beyond your means. Well beyond your means.

Pain is gain ;

Thursday, October 9, 2008 ' 8:08 AM Y

Adding on.. '


reminded by YT..


i missed the gossips!!!



Pain is gain ;

Wednesday, October 8, 2008 ' 1:37 PM Y


as requested by YAN TAO..

i updated my blog..


recently busy selling bak ku teh...

trying to earn more money b4 sch reopen



my dad opens a new branch again..

@ serangoon area.. Blk 304 i guess...


Pain is gain ;

' 1:18 PM Y


Last Sem..

gona CHERISH last sem..

all my frns..

all the moldues..

all the sucky food in NYP..

all the Zzzz lecturers..

all the cheap things in NYP

all the free parking lots in NYP carparks..

all the free facilities... ( actually we paid for it.. damn!)

all the discounted food in NYP.. esp MC DONALDS..!

Wads more?!

find out urself..


Pain is gain ;

Tuesday, September 2, 2008 ' 11:56 AM Y

新不了情- LOVE THIS SONG =) '

心若倦了 淚也乾了

這份深情 難捨難了

曾經擁有 天荒地老

已不見你 暮暮與朝朝

#這一份情 永遠難了

願來生還能 再度擁抱

愛一個人 如何廝守到老

怎樣面對一切 我不知道

+回憶過去 痛苦的相思忘不了

為何你再來 撥動我心跳

愛你怎麼能了 今夜的你應該明瞭

緣難了 情難了

❤ 蕭敬騰

Pain is gain ;


Y Profile

Name: Lin Si Qi (SQ047).

Age: 19+

School: NYP (Year 3)

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: 19/09/1988

Starsign: Virgo

Y Loves

My dad

My Grandma

My Car

My boy

Y Afflitiates

Our Class_Mk0601
Sarah Jane
Siok yee
Yan Tao

Y Entertainment '